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Application Notes
Novel applications, methods and technical knowhow
Here you find our collection of application and technical notes. We address novel applications in detail so that you have methods and technical know-how at your fingertips. You can also see how other application areas are using the calScreener™ and be inspired to try new things.
As biocalorimetry is a novel technique in many fields, we also publish Tech Notes to describe various features of the instrument and biocalorimetry should you wish to use this information next time you give a presentation or write a paper.
We thrive on working with other experts in the field. Our biocalorimeter is remarkably flexible, so if you have ideas that you would like to try, or simply to discuss your challenge, please get in touch with our Science Development Lead, Dr. Kaspar Kragh here. We love new challenges.

The world of biocalorimetry on paper
Biocalorimetry is unbelievably versatile. As such, we are developing a central point of reference for the latest research and developments in the field. On this page, you will increasingly find a collection of all the publications referencing biocalorimetry, the calScreener™ and other relevant information and documents.
To stay up to date with all our research and developments, go to the end of the page to sign up for our newsletter.

Science blog
Methods, opinions, and literature reviews
Here you can read articles from our experts. We publish methods, opinions and reviews of the literature. Everything published here will be shared in our monthly newsletter. Sign up at the end of the page.

Here you will find our collection of webinars. All the webinars we host from both Symcel experts and leaders in the field are recorded and hosted here. All are hosted live with interactive Q&A.
To stay up-to-date in terms of the next webinar sign up to our email newsletter at the end of the page. ‘Read more’ for the listing and recordings.

brochures and more
Download all our brochures for each application area and other documents such as application notes and technical notes here.